Friday 3 October 2014

REVEALED: Oscar pistorius called Ex-girlfriend the day he shot Reeva steenkamp
 It has been revealed that Oscar Pistorius made secret phone calls to  his on/off ex girlfriend of 5years and he did the same on the day he killed Reeva Steenkamp. Oscar awaits the final verdict of his trial later this month after being found guilty of  culpable homicide. According to a new book soon to be released titled ‘Behind the Door”,he spoke to 25 year old Jenna Edkins, for nine minutes on the evening of the killing and neither of them told investigators about this.

According to UK Mirror;
Pistorius and Edkins were in an on-off relationship for five years, and he is believed to have still been seeing her and another woman when he met Miss Steenkamp.He started dating Miss Steenkamp when he was still seeing Miss Edkins, a banker from Johannesburg, and another woman. The Olympian called Jenna Edkins who was stored under the name 'Babyshoes' on his phone.

Mobile phone data showed Pistorius was on the phone when he arrived home that evening.
Further investigations have revealed that the number was used by Edkins but had been registered in her father’s name.Police did not discover the nine-minute phone call, and Miss Edkins never gave a statement to the authorities.
Miss Edkins has only posted five times since setting up her Twitter account in 2009, four of those are in support of Pistorius, all written on February 15th last year, the day after he shot Reeva Steenkamp.
‘-People must stop jumping on the bandwagon with such hurtful allegations. Os is the loving , amazing inspirational person we know him to be,’.
-You have all my familys love and support #loveandsupportoscar (sic)’
-All I am saying is let him speak, let his side be heard without jumping to conclusions. Love and thoughts to Reeva’s family.’

– ‘I would just like to say , I have dated Oscar on off for 5 YEARS, NOT ONCE has he EVER lifted a finger to me , made me fear for my life..’see pic of Oscar with Reeva steenkamp after the cut!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/safrica-pistorius.jpg


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